Problem converting soft synth MIDI to WAV

I'm not sure if this is a MIDI problem, soundcard problem or software problem so I'll start here.

I just got a new soundcard (Delta 24/96) and set everything up. I am recording using Acid 5.0, a MIDI Keyboard and Steinberg The Grand soft synth.

When I record the MIDI and playback the MIDI track it sounds great. However when I use ACID's option to convert to WAV or when I convert my whole song to WAV the piano sounds get all messed up. Basically they cut of too soon,

Imagine you hit a C piano chord and keep your fingers down, it keeps sounding correct, that's how it sounds when I playback the MIDI, however on the convert to WAV the sound cuts of a short time after I press the keys

Any ideas ?


I've had that problem sometimes, with big heavy parts. I think it's the computer that simply can't handle it (power wise). Try cutting the thing up into smaller parts, and then later add the parts together again. Add verb afterwards ofcourse.

Also check your polyphony setting.
Thanks Halion, I think that's what it is, when I switch to a standard piano soft synth or even a smaller one from another company it seems to work.
