Pro tools


New member
I know this is the wrong forum but i feel attached to the people that i have been talking with lately so i just wanted to say I GOT PRO TOOLS 6 TODAY!

its out and im going to be up late to mess with it, so .........have fun ya'll
zallen25 said:
I know this is the wrong forum but i feel attached to the people that i have been talking with lately so i just wanted to say I GOT PRO TOOLS 6 TODAY!

its out and im going to be up late to mess with it, so .........have fun ya'll

Hey Zallen,
When you get it up and running and get a lil free time. Put a small little project togeter or I will as well and I want to try out the omfi compatibility between Ptools and Sonar XL.

Just wondering if I can take a Sonar XL Project,, to a local studio who uses ptools just so I can mix.

No Biggie tho . Just whenever.

You should be able to import/export between any programs that support Broadcast WAV files. Those are just wav files with time code stamps for location. You can also use regular wav files as long as you export them as a complete file from the start to finish of the song. Then you just lay them onto tracks and go. If you want to export a lot of automation and mixing data then you can use OMF but that is a bit more tricky and not natively supported by everyone.
zallen25 said:
cool man lets try it then

Yeah guys,
I have somemore in town who I can try it with, but I need someone on the other end who has a lil bit of computer savy. Plus,, when Im in that studio,, we really dont have time for trying new stuff. Usually pushing out tracks for some local group.

we can try it tho.

I wonder will at least some of the automation transport?
