Pro Tools with Alesis


New member
I bought an Alesis Multimix 8USB and I was wondering if I could use it with Pro Tools LE?

I was also wondering if I could use the Mbox2 and the Alesis at the same time to have 6 mic inputs?
That's a good plan. Getting stuff out of Cubase can be a pain, though. Back in the day when I switched I had to export each friggin' track one at a time. Maybe that has changed with a more recent version-- I was on VST 5.

That's an "Unattended Export" tool for PC's. I believe it lets you export the whole thing as individual tracks without having to sit there and do it by hand. I've switched to Mac, though, so I never tested it myself.

Of course, if you're recording solid tracks (i.e. no editing) then you *should* be able to drop those tracks right into pro tools IF (and only IF) you don't record them in 32 bit float. 24 and 16 bit only for Pro Tools. If you want the input drive feature in Cubase when you're recording then you'll have to export the files as 24bit for use in Pro Tools.


Take care,
I use a mac and have Pro Tools LE with the Mbox2 but it's only got 2 mic inputs so I wanted to make use of that Alesis Multimix 8 which has 4 mic inputs which would be good for drums, so couldn't I just record it into Cubase in 24bit then export each track (4 drum tracks) as an .aiff then import all 4 of them into Pro Tools and go from there?