Pro Tools Studio on Sale


New member
I was definitely going the PC route until I came on this offer. I havent looked in to Pro Tools much, but is this offer worth bypassing other options?

Apple G4 (paid 2800)
W/Software ($895)
Digi 001 Interface
Project X harddrive ($700)
Alesis M1 Monitors(2) ($600)
Macke 1604 ($1000)
Plug Ins ($3000) D-fx eq, D-fx Dverb, Joe Meequalizer (EQ), Compressors:BombfactoryLA,2A,1176; Fairchild 660,Sans amp Guitar amp sim, Pitch shift, reversal, defilter, Tc chorus vibrato....

ALL THIS FOR $5,000.00

Is this a good deal? Thanx for the help.
I would check what speed the G4 is. Mine is a good 5 years old and is only a 450. They made them anywhere from 433-1000 or there abouts. He might have paid $2800 for it but I its not even worthclose to half that now. Its still good though. I can do almost anything I need on mine.....but then again, I don't record music...just graphic arts.
In all honesty, I wouldn't give him $5000.

Plus now that I think about it, everything is already register most that means ZERO technical support on anything. Its nice to have that on the computer at least. And a 17" monitor is really only about 15" viewable. That is going to suck donkey balls when you want all you windows open at once in ProTools.

Oh...and I have the M1 Active monitors. They are not $600. I got mine for like $450 about 3 years ago.

Its not a bad setup, really. I would just be a little reluctant to pay that kind of money for it on the used market.
Yo Purchased Blood:]

You know, man, with 5000 pezzutos, you can buy yourself one hellova rig, ALL NEW, and with guarantees from the vendors in most instances.

I'd shuck the used and look for the new, or gnu, or noo?

:D :D :D

Green Hornet:p :p :p :cool:
For $2,994 you can get a brand sanking new gual 2 gig G5 which will SMOKE whatever computer he wants $2,800 for. I'd say the deal is not worth $5,000. If he paid $1,000 for the Mackie 1604 he overpaid, like wise some of the other items.

Much better to get new with warranties, etc.
Alesis M1s for $600!?!? I got mine for under $200, new. The Mackie could be had for much less used as well.

Deal.....not so good.
The plugins are probably cracks or came with his PT purchase, $3000!?!?

I'd say the package is worth about $2000.
You could purchase all the latest and greatest versions of the same stuff for the same price, and everything will be new, registered in your name, with warranties.