Pro tools and rewire with Reason


New member
I have just got the Digi rack 003+. Now I have problem with rewire with Reason I dont get any sound when playing my Keyboard.
when I plug in Reason throuh an Aux track a dialog box pops up and saying that: "One or several of the MIDI inputs cound not be opened. They might be in use by another application. Open the preference dialog box and check your MIDI settings"
I have tried to change the settings in the preference box, but it wont work.

When I only use Reaon(not througt Pro tools) Then there is no problem I can play the keyboard. The keyboard is an M-Audio Radium 49

I have connectet the keyboard in the midi input on digirack 003+

Hope someone can help me

Best regards
are you sure that reason is running in re-wire mode? Make sure you open PT first and then reason.

In the "audio interface" rack in reason, it should say "slave mode" or something like that...

Reason is running in Re-Wire mode. And I do open Pro tools first before I open Reason as a plug in.
Before I got the Digirack 003+ I had the M-box 2 there I had no problem with rewire.

Can it be something with the setup in Pro tools??

I can play my keyboard in Pro tools on a instrument track.

Best regards