Pro Tools 9 not recognising Audio interface as an input.


New member
Since I bought Pro Tools 9 I've normally always had my output as the two speaker monitors, but recently I decided to save some space on my small desk and change to the built-in output on my iMac. When I do this and create an audio track on Pro Tools to record, it doesn't recognise the audio interface for some reason. When I click the input drop down on the track and go to 'interface' there aren't any options from that menu.

If I plug the speaker monitors back in through the audio interface and change the output options, I can choose the input correctly and arm/enable the track to record.
I made sure I had the latest driver for my Audio interface and updated to Pro tools 9.0.6 and then re-installed pro tools 9. I still have the same problem.

The audio interface is the M-AUDIO MobilePre USB.

Has anyone had a similar problem or have solution to this?
