Pro Tools 7.3 with various Mac OS versions


New member
I am returning to home recording after letting other things get in the way for a couple of years.
However I've got different computers now after my original one died, all with updated operating systems, and none of them support my Pro Tools LE 7.3.
The machines are all Macs (and none of them are particularly new):
1) iMac running 10.5.8
2) iMac running 10.7
3) MacBook Air running 10.6.8

I also bought Amplitube 3 a couple of years ago so need that to work with the system.

Could anyone please advise the easiest and cheapest way of getting up and running again?

I'm not sure whether to
a) look to update Pro Tools software to a newer version (and if so - how new? Is it possible nowadays to update to Pro Tools LE 8, for example?)
b) try to go back to an earlier operating system - though all three of my machines are second-hand so I don't have the OS installation discs
c) just use Garageband for simple demos for the time-being (but I can't even use that through the Mbox 2 as I can't install the drivers because the version of Pro Tools is incompatible with my operating system!!)
d) look to completely start again with a new machine and/or new sequencing software... though I can't really afford this

I hate all this, I really just want to be doing what I'm good at which is writing and recording music!! So any help you can offer would be much, much appreciated.

If you want PT on more than one of those machines, I'd recommend just starting again with reaper, because Protools is just not OS version friendly. I've been using it since late v6.
There should be a standalone mbox2 driver out there for leopard. 8.0.3 maybe? Have a google.

If you're mad keen on protools, chances are snow leopard will work on all three macs. It might be an idea to get them all on 10.6.8 and then upgrade to ProTools 8.0.5 or 9.0.3.
A protools 8 license shouldn't be too hard to come by.
Anyone who upgraded to v9/10/11 has a PT8 auth code that they're not using...........:rolleyes:
Yup.... Reaper.

One cheap $60 license will cover all your machines, easy on resources and compatible with any vst or au plugins (no rtas tho).
Thanks a lot for your help peeps.

I only want sequencing software to work on one of my Macs (god knows why I've got three), and REAPER sounds almost unfeasibly simple - looks like it's free to download and then you pay for it if you like it within 60 days? Brilliant if so (for me particularly), as I can actually check everything I've got works with it and vice versa.

See ya later Pro Tools.

Thanks again.