(prices) how little can I make it for


New member
ok I want to build two rooms inside one big room.
The big room is around 22'9" by 17' and 13' high, and in this there will be a control room and a small vocal tracking space.

The Control room will be around 16' by 12' and 10' high.
The tracking space 10' by 9' and 10' high.

Each room will have one door into a small hallway and a window 4' by 3' between the control room and tracking room.

I was thinking of stud walls and rockwool plaster board construction.
The ceiling will sit on top of each room and the rooms will not be touching each other or the main outer big room.

Also the floor may or may not be raised on rubber feet.

Going by what other people have been building what sort of cost am I looking at hear. At the moment I am not looking at any room treatment costs, just construction cost.

Is this new construction, from the ground up?
If so, here in the US it'll cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $70 - $80 per square foot.
That doesn't include room treatment or much of a finish out. You're probably going to be on the high end of that scale because of the 13 foot high walls. That's REALLY high! And everything about it will drive up construction costs. You'll need more drywall, more insulation, more intricate framing, a bigger A/C system...
Oh, ok!
So you already have the big room, and its A/C.
My suggestion would be to draw out a detailed plan and do a material take-off from it. Then price all of that material. If you're going to do the work yourself, my guess is you'd be in the $20 - $25 per square foot catagory.
thanks for the info Michael

I will have to get someone to build this for me as I don't really know much about construction work.