Price for Mastering at a dedicated place?


New member
In my home studio I have managed to get the sound I want and - sort of - expected on a CD. They were always singles for an artist here, another one there.
Right now I am working on a whole CD for an artist which merits a more professional approach, so for the first time I am thinking of letting the whole CD be mastered at a dedicated place.

What are the rates for a "normal" CD (12 tracks, hiphop, pop, rap, 60 minutes) to be mastered?

Since this is out of my own pocket, I am surely not talking Bernie Grundman nor Bob Ludwig mastering quality, but some expert golden ears to:

- Make it punchy
- Correct possible inconsistencies (levels, sound colors between songs)

Also, if you have adresses - specially in Europe - I'd be really thankful.

Thanx in advance from

Hans, who lives in Niger, where the next music store is 800 km away...