Pretty Pleased


New member
Yo! I just got tracking my band..we're just doing pre production for our next album thingi. I tracked us live off the floor through a Mackie VLZ pro 1604 straight into Delta 44.

the tune I recorded was called "New New One" The rest of them arent from the same session. Even though this song isnt near completion, i thought id put it up.
Nice clean recording.The drum sound is killer,you can tell this is a live performance.It does get a little shaky at times but overall the performance stays on track.

I listen to a lot of Jazz and Jazz/fusion and this fits right into that category.Good stuff.Enjoyed listening to it.;)
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I listened to the other 4 tunes you have up and all are good tunes.Nice musical hooks.
great recording. I liked the arrangment. Thought the drums might be a tad too loud but, wtfdik. Really dug on the git work.
Nice band....

Nice intro...sets a good mood.... What's that crackling...Drums come in at a good level... How many mics? I forgot if you mentioned...SOunds very good aside from the crackling I heard...Nice jam!
the crackling is part of the keyboard patch.
I used two (spaced) apex 190's for overheads, md 421 on kick, and a 57 on snare. The guitar amp was sm 57. Keyboards were direct. The bass was miked with a shitty avlex mic (we were having some toubled that day) Sax mic'd with a beta 52.
thanks...we are actually going into a pro studio to do the REAL album soon!! Im excited! The good thing about homerecording is that it allows you to work out all the bugs BEFORE you get to the serious shit.
great performance-good tune the descending riff reminds me of a Stevie Wonder song. The bass has an especially nice big sound. If there was a problem with the recording it would be the drums,I hear a kind of flanging sound and the cymbals sound a little dull but considering its live, not bad at all. Good work.
for a live two track mix, you did good. I always like the drum sounds with mixes like this...nevermind the loudish cymbals, etc. The crackling is part of the keyboard patch?:confused: ...or part of the keyboard patch cable?:eek:

Nice music, nice live mix.
the crackle is there to bother people! haha! The cymbals are realy gave the drums more air. but at the same time it made the cymbals extra loud. better luck next time for me. the bitch of it all is that i had to set all the shit up and play on it! We transported all the gear to a specific location so it sucked. And we had a TIME LIMIT to get the right sound and right performance. Too much stress guys. But thats why im happy it turned out better than expected.
poo said:
The good thing about homerecording is that it allows you to work out all the bugs BEFORE you get to the serious shit.

Pre-production...never been in the studio but I imagine pre-production to be quite advantageous! This recording should help the engineer get going IMHO...