pretty girl with a pretty voice


New member
I've posted a few songs I've been mixing by a girl with a guitar named Annalisa. She's tired of the acoustically brilliant, but "stiff" recordings she's gotten out of bigger studios (working with studio bands), and I personally think her best stuff is in bedrooms with a four track.

Here's my attempt at a happy medium:

I've mixed it with the intention of each song having a different sound than the next, so I'm trying lots of tricks.
Let me know what you think...

OH YEAH! Don't forget to mention which song you're commenting on.
Yum, you got her into your bedroom w00t! Neway I listen to Let Me, I am the Most, and Sink Me. On Let me it sounded ok but I'm not a fan of hearing the guitar so open. I'm too much of a perfectionist. Hearing the fuck-ups make me cringe. Maybe compression would do. On I am the Most (by the way I love those lyrics) when you go from effects to no effects it seems to fast of a change. Did you throw effects on the whole mix? All in all its koo for me she sounds awsome. She sounds like a Janis fan. GL, HF.

Let Me - This is very shrill sounding to my ears. Both the guitar and the vocal have too much top end and not enough body. Mic choice and positioning are not quite right.

I am the most - I don't really care much for the "old-timey/telephone" effect at the beginning and how it gradually transitions into a fuller sound and then back. Her singing is nice, though. Better guitar tone than Let Me, once it changes over. Really, if you have a strong song and performance, you don't need the gimmicks.

Sink me - Very intimate sound. Still lo-fi, but in a good way. Sort of short. Here is the kind of song where some gimmick might add something (like a crappy casio keyboard drum loop or something), since it's not a fully realized song at this length.

Little Sadie - Nice folkie tune. I would leave this one pretty much as is.

True & Kind - Like the guitar and vocal sound at the beginning here. Vocal gets a little shrill when she is going "jazzy." A warmer/darker mic might benefit her voice.

If you don't listen to Mirah, you should check her out. That will give you some production ideas for this style of music. I don't like everything she does, but she surely makes an effort to make each song unique.

Overall, good work here. You've found some nice talent to work with, which helps a bunch.
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Thanks for the input.

Yeah, my first mistakes were, as you guessed, mic placement and choice. I miked her what I thought was more than ample distance, but she just really belts everything out. The Shure KSM32 I used is was too bright for her, but that's all we had around.

And livilaNic, I do believe you're right about the finger noise in Let Me Show You. Left it in to sound more human, but it doesn't really work with the song, and can be distracting.

And "i am the most" - the idea of that actually corresponds with a video idea a friend had, of a close up AM radio in a school gym, slowly trucking back to reveal the room. Then after the first vocal phrase, Annalisa walks into the background of the frame, playing her guitar, and slowly walks up, sings, and walks straight away. One long shot.

Let Me Show You was meant to be all sugary and sparkly guitars with a old, dreamy vocal. I like it, but maybe the high end needs a little taming.

I'll post some new mixes soon. Danka!!

Her voice has the same timbre as the chick from Evanesce (however you spell it). But alas, the mix did the songs in. I can't wait to see what you do to fix them...
I am the most...........I'd like to hear the lo fi thing in the intro a little shorter with some old scratched up record effects and the rest of the song hi fi. I saw your thing about the video.....but save it for the video.
Yeah, I dig the lo-fi-ness of that lil' intro, but it needs more lo-fi touches. Like record some lo-fi hiss or fuzz from short wave radio and mix it in there. it's also pretty easy to just make click and pop's, and then just dist. or filter into an older, worn sound. I agree w/ you about the 4 track thing, some times simple guitar and singer music just needs to have that lo-fi effect, it gives it that personal touch.
True and Kind was great - I'm a big fan of this type of guitar playing, flubs and all. Her voice is heavenly.

Nice open recording, loved it.

No way, don't add crackle, it's a sin - lofi is supposed to be genuine, not "put on". If you do have to add stuff like a filter, at least do it to the whole track! Shame on all of you.

I love the recordings though.

Michael Wookey
Ok the songs are amazing. I could care less for the recording, but this girl is brilliant. One of the best female singers I've heard in a long time... the songwritting is stunning aswell. May i Ask... were these songs written by her? Lyrics and Music?.. or just lyrics?..

The guitar playing is beautiful too.... this project should definetly grow into something big... but keep the acoustic you said, I bet this is the best of herself... Just Acoustic guitar / Voice

Also, where could I find more of this girls work?

Awesome talent in both parts.. Great songs... My Favorite would have to be " I Am the most" ... I love the chord progression your throwing in there... That D fully diminished is the whole song right there ;).

Awesome work man... Do you have any other works where I can hear you playing guitar?.. I would love to check them out.

scrubs said:
Sink me - Very intimate sound. Still lo-fi, but in a good way. Sort of short. Here is the kind of song where some gimmick might add something (like a crappy casio keyboard drum loop or something), since it's not a fully realized song at this length.

The way she sings 'baby' the first time... beautiful....

this is some amazing music! great songwriting skills. im trying to classify it and im getting something like folk inflienced jazz. beautifull really.