PreSonus Inspire 1394

Strictt Ame

New member
Ok..I Have My Firewire Installed & Running, My Inspire Intalled And Working..

Only One Problem..It Wont Sync Correctly..I Will See The Blue Light For A Few Seconds, Then It Goes Red..Ive Tried Lowering The Latency Level But It Didnt Work..

Any Suggestions Or Solutions?
I don't know anything about your particular device, but if you're using PCI 1394 try disconnecting all other firewire devices on the same card...
It could be a few things, I assume you're using a PCI firewire card as you talk of "installing" it?

Windows XP automatically assigns PCI firewire cards as network interfaces, go into network connections and disable the card there.

Make sure firmware is up to date, are you using XP with service pack 2?

Try a new fw cable.

Try a different PCI slot.

Some cards just don't get on with some firewire intefaces. Cards with a TI chipset are generally considered to be better for audio interfaces, VIA chipsets are known to be flaky.

Of course there's always an outside chance that the Inspire is faulty but I'd put money on it being a computer or firewire card issue.
Have you tried increasing you buffer size? Most of the time when I can't get something to work it has something to do with the buffer size.