Presonus Firepod problem

someone help please,

for about 8 months it worked flawlessly. then all of a sudden i could not get any playback or recording done. i'm running OS X Tiger and Cubase SL2.0. Playback does not work through any software including iTunes. the monitoring stage of the firepod works fine. i can hear all the microphones through my headphones but there is no playback. the mixer knob is set correctly. and when i try to record no signal is sent from the firepod to the computer. the sync light it on, the computer recognizes the firepod and the firepod recognizes the sync but it won't playback/record.

is it possible my A/D converters went bad? i'm just out of other questions. has anyone else had similar problems?

feel free to ask anything just in case i'm stupid and missed something simple.

without my firepod i'm down to 2 inputs and that just won't do for a drum kit.
nevermind, presonus got back to me fairly quickly by email and we were able to fix the problem by.

changing the clock source to device. then turning off the firepod and restarting the computer. starting AMS and then turning on the firepod again.

so if anyone else has this problem, that is how we fixed it.