Presonus Firebox and XP Media Edition


New member
This is from the Presonus firebox compatability website.
We have seen many issues unique to systems running Windows XP Media Edition, and strongly recommend using Windows XP Home or Professional instead.

My laptop comes with that OS, is there something I can turn off or whatever to allow the Presonus to work fine in xp media? I am presently doing the intial hardware install. I hope it works ok... :confused:
XP MCE IS XP Pro with additional functionality.

For whatever reason (laziness, IMO), most DAW hardware/software manufacturers will say it is not compatible rather than comprehensively test their product with MCE and possibly add fixes/updated drivers.
brzilian said:
XP MCE IS XP Pro with additional functionality.

For whatever reason (laziness, IMO), most DAW hardware/software manufacturers will say it is not compatible rather than comprehensively test their product with MCE and possibly add fixes/updated drivers.
That's what I've recently learned. Reduced customer support has got to like it tho. I wish there was a way to just get rid of the MCE parts and just stick with the plain XP pro that remains...
1Way said:
That's what I've recently learned. Reduced customer support has got to like it tho. I wish there was a way to just get rid of the MCE parts and just stick with the plain XP pro that remains...

There is, but it's not as trivial as simply "add/remove". Don't worry about it ... just try it, I'm sure it will work fine. If you have any issues, just tell the tech support monkeys that you have Pro (not like they can solve anything anyway) :)
Like I said in the other thread I have XP MCE running Cubase SX3 with a M-Audio firwire 410 interface and I do not have any problems even though M-Audio said that their firewire devices arent supported in XP MCE ;)
I have a Dell mce, I just loaded my firebox drivers, hooked up my firewire and started recording. Haven't had any issues once since I started using my firebox. It's been almost a year now.
flamin-gitaur said:
I have a Dell mce, I just loaded my firebox drivers, hooked up my firewire and started recording. Haven't had any issues once since I started using my firebox. It's been almost a year now.
I'm having problems, maybe you can help me. But I should say that I have yet to install Cubase LE that came with the package, and that install might have some help with how to best setup the firebox, I really don't know.

I tried using the firebox to play some songs and after half way thru the song, it would begin getting all garbled up, dropping badly like some time synch error became too large and would not play right anymore. I'd have to shut down the windows player and then restart it to get it to play right again. I would also make changes with the AISO 4all which I assumed would help matters, but so far no luck. I'll go do the Cubase install.
Perhaps you have the latency set too low. Try raising it up, this will reduce some of the load on your CPU. I don't use the cubase that came with the firebox, (I use Tracktion), But with tracktion, as with most other sequencers that I know of, if you have the latency too low, 4ms or lower, it will cause lots of different problems with play back, especially if you use lots of plugins. Just make sure you are using the ASIO drivers. Hope that helped.
flamin-gitaur said:
Perhaps you have the latency set too low. Try raising it up, this will reduce some of the load on your CPU. I don't use the cubase that came with the firebox, (I use Tracktion), But with tracktion, as with most other sequencers that I know of, if you have the latency too low, 4ms or lower, it will cause lots of different problems with play back, especially if you use lots of plugins. Just make sure you are using the ASIO drivers. Hope that helped.

you're saying always record with the ASIO drivers? why is that? when running through a plugin its necessairy but wouldnt it be ok to use the wmd drivers normally?
The Presonus driver? You mean the device driver? I did install the device drivers, that part works fine. I'm talking about the DAW softare where you select which driver to use.

I haven't messed around much with the latency setting from the Presonus control window. I guess that is the latency setting mentioned. I've had it around 6 ms, so maybe I'll have to try raising it some.

I removed the ASIO 4all drivers as I was concerned that might somehow disturb the Cubase LE install. The install went fine, and I have the ASIO 4all install driver program incase I want it back. I do have normal ASIO drivers but someone recommended the 4all one's, maybe they are ok after all. I'll try changing the presonus control box latency to a higher setting and see how that goes. Also, so far I've got it set to 44.1 since I'm just noodling around with it.
You mentioned that you were using a laptop. How fast is your hard drive? A 7200 or faster works best, but I don't know if laptops are that fast or not. If not, that could be why things are breaking up on you. I know alot of people have more issues with laptops than with desk tops because of the slower hard drives. I don't have experience using laptops, so I am not real familiar with there problems or how to remedy them. Maybe someone else can chime it to offer some advice.

or, you can always try finding some info HERE
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flamin-gitaur said:
You mentioned that you were using a laptop. How fast is your hard drive? A 7200 or faster works best, but I don't know if laptops are that fast or not. If not, that could be why things are breaking up on you. I know alot of people have more issues with laptops than with desk tops because of the slower hard drives. I don't have experience using laptops, so I am not real familiar with there problems or how to remedy them. Maybe someone else can chime it to offer some advice.

or, you can always try finding some info HERE
I don't think it's a hardware issue yet. It was working fine until I started experiementing to see if I could make things better, plus I really want to see how well this thing runs on a laptop, so I need to experiment some. I bet I just do not have the settings right. I'm sorta planing on taking this laptop back and getting into something nicer, but I'm testing things out just in case a laptop will work fine for me. I'll reset the device's latency setting from 6 to the next higher setting, I hope that will improve things. Thanks for the response and link. :cool: