For Sale PreSonus FaderPort BRAND NEW CONDITION (with KORG nanoKONTROL)

FaderPort SOLD

I just had to have a FaderPort

I use PreSonus Studio One Pro with a FireStudio Project interface. I LOVE my PreSonus gear, and wanted to round out my studio foundation with the FaderPort. Finally broke down and bought it. I set it up (plug-and-play in Studio One) and found a good online tutorial that explained what it can do and how to use it. See Bill Edstrom's excellent video tutorial below.

It turns out I prefer using my mouse and computer keyboard. :facepalm: I'm just completely used to working that way, and my workflow is fast as a result. The FaderPort is "way kool" but it takes me out of my rhythm.

The FaderPort works with any DAW and is a GREAT piece of gear, especially if you work alone - and especially if money and workspace are limited. That ALPS 100mm motorized fader is too good(!) and the extensive transport controls are intuitive and entirely useful. It's great for setting levels and automation while MIXING - it automatically controls whatever mixer channel (or group of channels) you select. The FaderPort is also a big help when TRACKING on your own. Put an extended USB cable on it and control your DAW while at your synth/keyboard, your guitar or vocals microphone or wherever.

Here's a link to the PreSonus FaderPort product page

My studio is clean and smoke-free. This FaderPort hasn't seen more than three hours of use, and most of that was without powering up the motorized fader. Powered only by USB except for the few times I used the motorized fader - less than an hour, total. This lucky/lazy FaderPort has been relaxing under a protective cover and is in ABSOLUTELY BRAND NEW CONDITION.


I'm also seeking a home for my KORG nanoKONTROL. It's been very lightly used and you'll think it's new, too. See image below. The nanoKONTROL has LOTS of faders, rotary pots, buttons and transport controls:

9 faders, 18 buttons, 9 rotary pots and a full transport control section. And every one of them is programmable - particularly good for controlling VST plugin effects. And if that weren't enough, there are four separate "Scenes" for four entirely independent sets of all those controllers. 36 controllers per scene x 4 scenes = 144 controller assignments. Yow.

The nanoKONTROL is small, light and versatile once you set up the driver and the Korg Librarian software.




Bill Edstrom's excellent video tutorial (content begins at 1:15)

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The FaderPort is SOLD

I've requested that the Buyer post his impressions after he receives the FaderPort. They will appear here, in this thread.

Now...will someone please give this "deserving nanoKontrol" a good home. =]
Leon Portelance of CA purchased the Faderport via the forums, and had this to say on Feb 28, 2018:

"It works great. It will make setting CCs much easier and the transport strip will come in handy. It arrived in near new condition. Thank you, Tom."