presonus bluetube?


New member
What do you guys think of this thing? I want some warmth to my vocals, and my litle behringer mixer doesn;t cut it. I need something like this (I think) I just wanted some feedback.
Honestly, I wouldn't use it for vocals. It's a little bit too noisey. It's better suited for guitar, bass, or drums...IMHO.
From my experiences the microphone and reverb have more to do with warmth than the preamp. Make sure those two things are sounding warm first. Maybe try a plate reverb that isn't bright sounding.
Okay, thanks guys. What about connecting a drum machine or say the POD to the blue tube? What about mic processors? Any suggestions? Thanks. I have the Rhode NT3 and NT2 so I think I'm set as far as mics go. I will try that plate reverb you are talking about.
Its Smooth And fine for vocals. Great for Instruments too. If you use it distasefully, and fail to replace the tube with a cleaner one you may get noise. Groove tubes white or blue is best for replacement.
I own a blue tube and I was really not impressed. The preamps on a Mackie are much cleaner, this probably because the Mackie has a cleaner signal path.
i have a blue tube and have had some serious problems with it... when i first got it, one side was noisier than the other (WAY noisier) so presonus replaced the unit.

...then that one caught on fire. i'm still not quite sure why. i've narrowed it down to either a faulty wall wart or a bad mic cable + phantom power (the singer touched the mic a few minutes prior to the fire and reported being shocked)... so i still have no idea.

but presonus replaced it again. the presonus rep was even nice enough to "put sprinklers in it for me"...

...funny guy...

but it sounds ok. i dont love it, but it works. i DO love it as a DI for bass guitar. but the only reason i still have it is because presonus keeps replacing them and i can't afford anything new right now.

hope this helps...

Walking Man Sound
I got one to experiment with some 'less than clean' sounds.
-As a soft limiter for snare, too soft and lost presence. That was a bit disappointing- had high hopes...oh well.
-As a DI on bass, nice growl/overload sound on the low note/crescendos! Didn't get that buzzy sounding distortion. Might have a little less low octave- (the bass has active eq, he may have been sending me less, but I had to roll off a little on him on previous tracks.
In general, it's been interesting but not that exciting, and I also don't have all that much to compare it too, so that's worth about 2 cents.
See ya
Honestly, mine is a noisy piece of crap!!!!!! However, that doesn't mean its not useful for certain apps...I like it on certain vocal mixes. I also like to use it on my drum overheads to get that lo fi drum sound....