Presonus audio box does not sound right with acid music software

  • Thread starter Thread starter Patrick108
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I very recently bought a Presonus 1818VSL audio interface box, intending to record my music with Acid Music 9.0 multi[track recording software. After the computer program recognized the audiobox, I selected it and clicked OK. I tried to record a vocal track, testing my AT 4040 microphone. I encountered problems right away.
1. No sound was coming through the headphones connected to the Presonus interface.
2. I recorded a few bars of voice, but during the playback it sounded distorted
3, I connected my synthesizer to track 6 of the presonus and tried recording a little. That was when I found out that it was not the playback only that sounded distorted but the sound was recording in a distorted way.

My question is, will the Presonus ever act right with my Sony Acid Music software, or is it only designed to function properly with the Studio One program that comes with the package when you buy the interface? In other words, do I have to start all over, learning how to use their studio one software before I can get decent sounding tracks with the Presonus? Thanks
Interfaces should work ok with all contemporary software. So Acid should be fine with it.

If you are having problems, I would look at two areas. The first is the set up and configuration. The second is the interface monitoring software. You should be able to get a headphone mix, and you should not have to deal with distorted sound.
The headphone mix should be adjustable, whether through a knob on the interface or in the software.

The distortion is probably gain being set too high on the interface's input, or phantom power being turned on when it should not.

As gecko implied, perhaps some time with the user's manual will resolve things.
Thanks for your advice on my earlier question. It turned out that I had to perform a firmware update on Presonus's Universal Control icon on my desktop. As soon as the update was completed, the distortion sound went away and it recorded and played back cleanly. BUT.................
I still have the headphone jack (no sound from it) problem.
In the FAQ section of the Support area on the Presonus web site, they are saying that I should should route the monitor mix to output 7 and 8 because the headphone jack is designed to function when outputs 7 and 8 are being used. I did that on Acid music 9.0 software in the following sequence: Options > Preferences > Audio Device . I chose Audiobox ASIO Driver as the audio device type for the Presonus interface. Then I clicked on "Apply > OK" Now, on the same preferences window, there is Default Playback Device. I chose output 7 and 8, which actually say Phones 7 / Phone 8. Then Apply > OK. Still no sound is coming from the headphone jack. I am now at a loss on what to do. Please help.

Thanks for your advice on my earlier question. It turned out that I had to perform a firmware update on Presonus's Universal Control icon on my desktop. As soon as the update was completed, the distortion sound went away and it recorded and played back cleanly. BUT.................
I still have the headphone jack (no sound from it) problem.
In the FAQ section of the Support area on the Presonus web site, they are saying that I should should route the monitor mix to output 7 and 8 because the headphone jack is designed to function when outputs 7 and 8 are being used. I did that on Acid music 9.0 software in the following sequence: Options > Preferences > Audio Device . I chose Audiobox ASIO Driver as the audio device type for the Presonus interface. Then I clicked on "Apply > OK" Now, on the same preferences window, there is Default Playback Device. I chose output 7 and 8, which actually say Phones 7 / Phone 8. Then Apply > OK. Still no sound is coming from the headphone jack. I am now at a loss on what to do.


I assume you checked for driver update on the Presonus website? If you applied new firmware, you may need new software as well.

Are there separate mix knobs on the front of the interface? Many interfaces give you a way of blending the live sound with the prerecorded/PC tracks.

Otherwise it sounds like you have it set right. It could be time to reach out to Presonus for support, it's their issue since the ASIO drivers control all those functions and you're only accessing those settings out of convenience through Acid.
Do you have Presonus Universal Control installed?
I don't know if it's the same (I have Firestudio mobile) but, for me, headphone mix was disabled by default and had to be assigned.
Once done I never had to open the software again.