Preferred brand of cables?


New member
I figure it's about time to upgrade my guitar cables, you would laugh if you knew what I was using now...I don't even think I do :o Instead of learning from my own buying mistakes, I've chosen to learn from everyone else's. So the question is simple, what's your favorite brand of cable? Oh, and price range= $60-$80, or more if you really make me believe it's worth it.
Well if its to my monitors or any recording gear I go with Monsters, but for guit cables I roll with Quantam, maybe they aren't "high end" enough for some but they've always sounded fine for me and have a lifetime warranty. If they get a short I can send em in (I think my local guit store will even replace em) and they give me a new one for free. Honestly, I haven't had to test this yet though. And If its pedal connecting cables George L has an awesome set of relle high quality easy to setup ones that I love.
Yeah this is just guitar to amp. Some day I'll have a pedalboard, but for now I really don't have a need for any. I guess it's more a question of value, I know what I'm using now is garbage so I'm not needing a high end name to tout around and show off how legit I am ha. I'd rather just have a step up that's really worth the price

If you're really gonna spend that much on a guitar cable, do it once and perform a little experiment with it. I promise it'll be the last time you spend that much on a cable. (You can send me 10% of the savings for the rest of your guitar playing life. :D)

1) Buy one $60-$80 cable.
2) Buy one cable of a much cheaper variety--I know it needs to have good ends so it doesn't fall apart, but go as cheap as you can. (I have some instruments wired with $5.00 cables in my studio.)
3) Turn your back and play and/or record with both cables--while someone else switches them. No peeking!

Get where I'm going? You won't be able to tell a difference. Mic cables, guitar cables, speaker cables, etc... spend enough to get decent hardware that won't fall apart--but don't sweat the oxygenated mojo or whatever they're pushing this week.

(If I sound harsh--I don't mean to. I'm just trying to save you a headache or two. There are tons of legitimate ways to "step-up" before I'd ever spend that kinda jack on cables. I've got about 2000 feet of XLR cable and 500 feet of instrument cable. I can't hear a bit of difference in any of it...)
Actually I tend to notice more unwanted noise like feedback with extremely cheap cables. Maybe this was just a coincidence. And with my monitors I guess I just didn't want to leave any loose ends plus I only needed like 3 feet of cable so the monstors didn't kill me. But strat has a good point. Regardless of the cable quality they will prolly short out just as easily. I don't see the need in spending $60. Thats why I like quantums because I can replace them for free supposedly. I think I payed maybe $40 for a 30 footer (I have two of these) and like $15 for each ten footer. May have been less, IDK. One thing I would suggest is at least getting cables with some thickness and not the really cheap think kind because those typically last a few days with me and then they are shorting out.
Haha don't worry about sounding harsh, it just saves me time and money. I'm really just trying to eliminate my other alternatives, pickups, pedals etc. before putting out for a super champ XD I found for $270, well 300 counting shipping. Which is a great deal considering they're going for 400 now, and blues jr's for 600. My friend was smart to buy his just a few short months ago
I agree...get something that the ends are secure on, and something that won't crackle and sound horrific when you move it around. I have been surprised at how quick some of the high-end cables start screwing up.

I bought one of the neon-pink Horizon instrument cables for my keyboard...3 months later I was having to replace it. Not a problem at the shorted out in the MIDDLE. :(

I've been very pleasantly surprised by the "Good" Whirlwind cables from All problems at all so far. :)
Same friend that bought the blues jr uses those. He's perfectly happy with them as well. May just go with that because my cables are definitely doin some snappin cracklin and poppin...
I buy cable in bulk and build my own Instrument cables, speaker cables, XLR/Microphone cables, patch cables. snakes ect.
ProCo is great cable. I still use the same ProCo MusicMover cable I got with my first "real" amp over 17 years ago. I can't recommend them highly enough.

For the most part, I go with the mid-range cables like Horizon and CBI. It's a good compromise between cost and quality, and I can't detect anything bad about them at all.

I'll never buy Monster cable, I'm way too biased against them as a company. Plus all you have to do is take one trip to the A/V section of your local Best Buy store to see how ridiculously overpriced their cable is. $150 for 12' of HDMI cable? Bullshit! It's a total racket, I can't believe that people support their high level of obvious corporate greed and silly markups.

...blood pressure settling...anger diminishing...hypertension relinquishing...ok I'm all better now. Damn Monster cable gets me all worked up.
I'll never buy Monster cable, I'm way too biased against them as a company. Plus all you have to do is take one trip to the A/V section of your local Best Buy store to see how ridiculously overpriced their cable is. $150 for 12' of HDMI cable? Bullshit! It's a total racket, I can't believe that people support their high level of obvious corporate greed and silly markups.

...blood pressure settling...anger diminishing...hypertension relinquishing...ok I'm all better now. Damn Monster cable gets me all worked up.

Haha o no I wasn't planning on going anywhere near Monster, I have the same bias because of experience with them on the home theater side of things. Thanks for all the input though guys, now I have a better idea of what I'll be looking for.
Actually I tend to notice more unwanted noise like feedback with extremely cheap cables. Maybe this was just a coincidence. And with my monitors I guess I just didn't want to leave any loose ends plus I only needed like 3 feet of cable so the monstors didn't kill me. But strat has a good point. Regardless of the cable quality they will prolly short out just as easily. I don't see the need in spending $60. Thats why I like quantums because I can replace them for free supposedly. I think I payed maybe $40 for a 30 footer (I have two of these) and like $15 for each ten footer. May have been less, IDK. One thing I would suggest is at least getting cables with some thickness and not the really cheap think kind because those typically last a few days with me and then they are shorting out.

plus 1 for that.

I've always bought the cheap stuff, like Cordial, or Snake... Recently bought a half-decent Fender cable, and noticed a serious diminishing of unwanted feedback. I'm thinking Planet Waves stuff.....?
plus 1 for that.

I've always bought the cheap stuff, like Cordial, or Snake... Recently bought a half-decent Fender cable, and noticed a serious diminishing of unwanted feedback. I'm thinking Planet Waves stuff.....?

I don't know about their regular cables, but they make decent patch cables for pedals, however the George L's are a step up if your looking at upgradin your pedal cables.
I figured I'd try to excuse my spot of stupidity with the $60-$80 price range. That came from the cost of two cables actually since I use one pedal, so I guess I had the right price range in mind after all.
ProCo are my favorite cables. I still have ProCo cables from the 80's that work just fine. I have them around the studio so that when someones Horizon or Monster cables crap out, I hand them a 20+ year old ProCo to save the day.

Screw Monster and their overpriced, snake oil bullshit.