preference or bad mistake


New member
I have just started recording bands. I've noticed that I like to double track the bassist and pan the tracks R and L. I am wondering if this is a bad idea that will make my mix more mushy. I like the sound of it better than just one bass so maybe I should just go with what I prefer. Maybe I should just get a stereo track and use that. Anyone got any ideas? Is there any problems I should be concerned about with double tracking bass, guitars, vocals, etc. thanks
It may work... or it may not....

Personally, I like a nice solid bass line right up the middle.... kinda grounds the entire track....

Double-tracking it may make it phasey and thin - not good.... OR it may make it sound chorused - maybe good (depending on the track!)

if it's working for you, great.... I doubt you'd be able to use that technique ALL the time for every song...
Although I have a fair amount of experience in the music world, I've only recently started recording bands. I did a similar thing as you with stunning results (so far!)

I ran a line out from the bass amp (preamp out) to the board and I put a kick drum mic on the speaker cab. I centered both tracks at first, but panned each on slightly R and L, (like 11 and 1 on a clock)

The rough mix sounds incredible. I guess the final mix will tell, though.