Preamps around $200?

Dan Colverson

New member
Buying my first preamp, on a tight budget (up to or around $200) what are peoples experiences with:
Presonus Bluetube DP,
Presonus TubePre,
Studio Projects VTB-1?

I also have the opertunity to buy a used Focusrite Penta Compressor (w/built in pre) for similar money.
I'm going to be using it for vocals, and i dont own a compressor (but have developed good mic technique to get around this!)...

Which would you get?
If you use the search function at the top, you will find a wealth of info on this topic. Here are my recommendations for <$200:

Single Channel:
VTB-1(slightly colored) or Rane MS-1b (clean)

Dual Channel:
M-Audio DMP3 (clean)
without having heard any pre's...joe meek 3Q , (169 on ebay, free ship)? Also all the other joe meeks with the name 3 (except for the VC3?, heard it's bad from 1 or2 people, but liked it
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i did a thorough test on the focusrite twin track which i would imagine has the same pre-amp as the penta, very smooth pre amp, i also really liked the comp on the tt, i think the penta would be a great compressor for you if you don't already have one, seeing its an adjustable preset type unit it shouldn't be to hard to dial in a sound..... i would definatly go the penta, second choice the vtb1, and i probably wouldn't consider the blue tube
Adding my .0000002 worth, the DMP3 provides more than adequate results when used in various situations.
A certain warmth,clarity and noticeable presence is apparent when used in conjunction with hi-sens. condensors mic'ing acoustic gits and other instruments as well as amp-micing with dynamics offering close to 65 db of gain. Decent perf in DI mode (espec'lly on bass) w/o the unwanted signal noise. With absolutely no lyrical or vocal skillz on my behalf whatsoever, I have rarely recorded vocs thru the DMP. But the on the few occasions where I did (bro-in-law, the wif-ee, a rapper or 2 and a has-been singer friend of mine), the unit translated well with just a wee-bit of sound "coloration" added (a lil' pronounced in the mids where a slight cut of a 1/2 db's might suffice).

Again, this is just my opinion. The DMP can be had @ $200 or less (ck E-bay)
and it is well worth it. However, if you ever get a chance to raise your
pre budget another $2-300 along with the opp'ty to audition this...; please...Please...PLEASE give those 2 "AUDIO/SOUND SENSORS" you've been blessed with that are located on the left and right side of your cranium a treat and check out a GraceDesign 101!!! ;)
'Nuff said! ;) ;) ;)

.......just my .0000000000000000000000000000001 worth.
proper way to hook up a crossover??

hello, I need to hook a crossover to my pa.

I use a carvin 1644 powered mixer. do i just go out the xlr left and right outputs to the crossover. then the crossovers left right out to my external power amps?(i use the internal amps for monitor mix)

then here is the kicker, how would i properly hook up a crossover using the internal power amps for a small show or rehersal??

thanks to any and all who can post. I love you all(spoken like ozzy) :D
Yo' j-of-metal, you straight-up jacked Dan C.'s thread on budget pre's with your inquiry on crossovers. Next time, start your own thread rather than confuse us(me) drunk mofo's with a quest entirely off point! ***BUURRPPP***
'scooze me! :p

BTW, what's your amp(s)/spkr set-up?
Thanks everyone, going to go for the Studio Projects VTB-1, i'll post some thoughts on it once i get it and use it for a while!