

Freon Productions
Hey Everyone,

I am looking at getting a new interface (fast track ultra or profire 2626) and was wondering if a preamp would also be a good purchase? I have read that with the fast track, you can have quite recordings and need to crank the gain up to get good levels (but adds noise) so I was wondering if a preamp would be good to get. would i then run the mics to the preamp and then the interface, which goes to the computer?

alotta interfaces nowadays have some kinda pre built in... but adding a pre to it can be a good idea particularly if you're looking for a type of colored sound... and yes the pre goes line in to the interface and then interface to puter...
Well, realistically it's $350 for eight channels. Neither the converters nor the preamps are likely to be stellar. You'll probably want to at least use an outboard preamp or two; not much you can do about the conversion. You'd have to replace the whole thing.

You might as well try the stock preamps though, and see if they're worth anything. Who knows?

Line 6 UX8 is a great value here...Guitar Center is Blowing these out at $350 and the preamps cannot be beat by anything on the market sub $2000...and it comes bundled with Abeldon need to have a really good computer because it needs one...but this is the best value period.
Does the UX8 have different preamps than the UX2? I have it and I'm not very impressed with the preamps in it.

Why do you say the UX8 pres can't be beat by anything under $2000? That's quite a claim...

Line 6 UX8 is a great value here...Guitar Center is Blowing these out at $350 and the preamps cannot be beat by anything on the market sub $2000...and it comes bundled with Abeldon need to have a really good computer because it needs one...but this is the best value period.