Preamp to Firewire Solo?


New member
I am having lots of trouble getting a non-flat sound recorded. I have tried condensers, sm57's & 58's, multitracking, basically every recording technique that I have read on here. My guitar just sound so non lively. It sounds good in the room.

Right now im running a Gretsch Setzer Hot Rod into a Fender Hot Rod Deville. I have the Deville mic'd going straight into a M-Audio Firewire solo. I am recording with Adobe Audition. The recording decibal level i am getting is fine...I just dont understande why the sound is so freakin thin and non vibrant.

Someone mentioned something about a tube preamp between the mics and the firewire solo.

My question is, can this possibly be the solution to my problem? I am starting to get discouraged after a year of recording ...producing no life sounding recordings.