Preamp suggestions


Alchemy slut
I'm about to be upgrading my studio's interface and could use some help. I was running two firepods (FP10's actually), and they were decent, a little dull sounding to my ears and not very clear. Anyways one of them decided to die and I just found out they were discontinued so I'm using this as an excuse to upgrade. I only need preamps for drums, I'd like to have 12 to 16 to work with. I've decided on the RME Fireface 800 for the interface but I'm torn on preamps. I need 8 channels, 48v phantom power, and ADAT outs.

Here's what I'm lookin at:

RME Octamic II
Mackie Onyx 800R
Focusrite Octopre w/ optional ADAT card
M-Audio Octane
Presonus Digimax FS

I know the digimax has the same pre's as the firepod but if the other's aren't significantly better, I'm already familiar with it... I like that the Octane and Onyx have M/S encoding built in, and the Octane has phase invert on even channels. But more important than those options to me are just overall sound quality. I'm willing to spend up the price of the RME (~$1500), possibly slightly more if it's worth it. Any thoughts on those or other preamps?