Preamp Question?


New member
I currently have a M Audio ProjectMix I/O running in my PT 8 studio..... The console is great, but the preamps are way to loud. I am always clipping even with the levels all the way down. Does anyone know if there's a way change the levels?

OR, what would you recommend for a multichannel preamp (6-8 channels) that would be a better sound for roughly the same price??


There's no obvious reason why the preamps should be way too loud. Where are your faders set, and what are you feeding into the channels? The problem is not likely to be with the M Audio,and its preamps, but more likely to be with how the device is being used or how it has been set up.
To be specific, it's very much a problem with recording drums...... I have many different mics and mic placements..... I have heard a lot now that the preamps on the console are very hot.