Preamp paired with AT4047 recommendations


New member
I last few days I have been searching for the best preamp solution for my AT4047 mic. I would very appreciate if any of you guys could help me and give some advice. My budget is cca 1000$, and I am looking for the single channel preamp exclusively for male vocal recording. I know, there is a lot threads about mic preamps, but I would like to hear recommendations from AT4047 owners.

Thanks for your help!
I last few days I have been searching for the best preamp solution for my AT4047 mic. I would very appreciate if any of you guys could help me and give some advice. My budget is cca 1000$, and I am looking for the single channel preamp exclusively for male vocal recording. I know, there is a lot threads about mic preamps, but I would like to hear recommendations from AT4047 owners.

Thanks for your help!

Very "BIG" but still true to the source
The DAV yessir!

True Systems P-Solo.....Focurite ISA-one....These are both really clean and spacious sounding.
Thanks guys for your advices!
What do you think about AT4047 - API 512C combination?
With lounchbox it would be cca 1200$. Have you had a chance to try this combination out? Would it be a qualitative step forward in relation to the preamps like grace 101, DAV BG-1, UA 610 Solo...Or it is only a matter of personal taste?
Thanks guys for your advices!
What do you think about AT4047 - API 512C combination?
With lounchbox it would be cca 1200$. Have you had a chance to try this combination out? Would it be a qualitative step forward in relation to the preamps like grace 101, DAV BG-1, UA 610 Solo...Or it is only a matter of personal taste?

These mentioned here are four really different mic pres.Although I guess you could put the Grace and the DAV in the clean and neutral camp while the API and the UA are in the colored sound area.... Still, they are all a bit different. The 4047 has a character all its own. If you like that character then you want a pre that brings that out without adding to it, if you want MORE character then you add that with a pre that has its own. The API certainly does.

Everything put through the API stuff is simply larger and more in-yer-face while still retaining the clarity and fidelity. The UA is a softer type of color. It surrounds the source with its mildly distorted sound..But again, clear and articulate. The Grace is as precise a sound as you can find and doesnt color the source. The DAV has the dimensionality of an ADL600 or a Red Focusrite or a ViPre but its also clear and uncolored though I hear you can drive them into a bit of color. I never got the opportunity to spend much time with the one I demo'd. I really liked it though.All of these will work really well with the 4047. But none of them may be the exact fit you're looking for. I dont believe theres a magic bullet anyway so as always YMMV..........
The 4047 has a character all its own. If you like that character then you want a pre that brings that out without adding to it,
Couldn't have stated it better, both the DAV and the 4047 tend to stay true to the source while imparting a subtle depth to the sound... I just find it a great match-up (especially for male vocals)... like PB & J.
Thanks a lot for your recommendations! I will definitly chack out the DAV BG-1 (or DAV BG-9) preamp..But let say, forget for the second, what I have written above, in my previous posts, about my expectations of vocal preamp.

In case that you have to choose your vocal preamp (1000$ is limit), would DAV BG-1 be one of your final candidates?
Preamp for the at4047?

Have a listen for yourself. I was trying out a couple preamps on this female vocalist using my at4047 mic. One clip is the at4047 into a Pacifica (pad in) and the other is the same mic into a Solo 610 with fairly clean settings (gain 3, level 5). The Solo 610 is within your budget, Pacifica is not.

Two different takes, level-matched best I could.

The singer liked the Solo 610. I liked them both about equally, but they are different. The Pacifica actually sounded better in the mix.


  • clip.at4047.solo610.G3L5.mp3
    555 KB · Views: 27
  • clip.at4047.pacifica.pad.mp3
    552.5 KB · Views: 18
I really liked the results I had with the 4047 through a Presonus Eureka. I've also recently picked up a Solo 610 which I'm looking forward to trying with the 4047.