Pre to contrast my Speck 5.0


New member
I worked with a DMP3 for years and was determined to learn -- learn -- learn before trying a higher end pre.

Well about 6 months ago I got a good deal on a Speck 5.0 --Absolutley love it! (I know not real high end ....)

Glad i spent the time with the DMP3 and still have it of course, but the differnce in my mixes with the Speck are huge. Gald I spent time learing. If I had bought it earlier I probably would have had unreal expectations. Again especially are my mixes easier to finish, and get what I want.

Mixing is so much easier.. things set in the mix so much better and ETC.

But would another Pre in the same price range or a little more that would be a nice contrast to it.

Suggestions appreciated.
I worked with a DMP3 for years and was determined to learn -- learn -- learn before trying a higher end pre.

Well about 6 months ago I got a good deal on a Speck 5.0 --Absolutley love it! (I know not real high end ....)

Glad i spent the time with the DMP3 and still have it of course, but the differnce in my mixes with the Speck are huge. Gald I spent time learing. If I had bought it earlier I probably would have had unreal expectations. Again especially are my mixes easier to finish, and get what I want.

Mixing is so much easier.. things set in the mix so much better and ETC.

But would another Pre in the same price range or a little more that would be a nice contrast to it.

Suggestions appreciated.

I think the Speck is probably considered high-end. I have only heard it at the Listening Sessions and was amazed that for acou guit I chose it over every other pre, including the Hardy.

I have always felt the Speck would compliment my Sebatron perfectly. You can find the two channel Seb new for $1,200 and used for $900-$1,000. Very nice. You might be able to find the discontinued one channel unit (vmp 1000e) new for around $800.