pre-slоtted TUSQ nuts in your Agiles/Epiphone Les Pauls?


New member
Hi, everyone. I was wondering, for those of you who ordered the pre-slotted TUSQ nuts for your Epis (they have a specific Epi model) or maybe your Agile LP or similar asian copy, was it a pretty close 'drop-in' or required MUCH work/adjustment?

Did you like the string spacing and distance from edge?

I am NOT looking for an answer "you shouldn't expect an exact drop-in", I am looking to hear what your actual experience was.

If you didn't try, please wait it out and let the folks comment first. No offense, nothing personal! :)

Thank you!
i guess, just for consistency, i'll report that the drop-in nuts didn't work - too low, so i ended up ordering some delrine (slip-stone) blanks from stewmac and paying about $45 to make a custom nut.

it works great - no tuning problems with bigsby or finger bends at all.