Pre-Amps and Line Level Inputs


New member
Ok, my Behringer 12 channel mixer came today, and I was a little surprised to see that it only had 4 channels with mic pres. For some reason I thought it would have 12.

I can still send it back for a refund or credit, and I was thinking I would do that, but now the possibility of keeping it and buying a decent mic pre has occurred to me.

Basically, for now I'm looking for 6 inputs into the mixer, then sending a stereo signal to my MR-8. I'm just recording my band's practices, and maybe record a demo.

Should I send it back and get a mixer with 6 or 8 mic pres, or keep the one I have and get something like a 2 channel Audio Buddy, and send those 2 channels to the line inputs?

The latter route seems cheaper, with the added benefit of having a possibly higher quality mic pre for when and if I might need it.

Thanks for your help!

Just keep in mind that a "decent mic pre" will cost more than the Behringer mixer itself.

As far as recording live practice straight to two-track stereo, the best way to do that is probably a stereo pair of mics placed in a good spot of the practice room. That way you will get the most accurate picture of what you sound like, and you will only need 2 mic pres. Behringer makes some highly usable omni mics for $40 each if you want to go that route.