Posting blind mic shootout $250 - $800

I totally agree with sage97. No matter how much we get caught up on the tiny differances in tonal color of a mic. We could still make great recordings with all of them.
I don't think it's fair to compare mic's like that, especially LDC's with a cheap pre like the eureka.....I suspect if a better pre was used (API, NEVE, Sebatron, john hardy, etc) the differences would be much more obvious and I think the K2 would have faired better in this test. Also the K2 has a continuously variable polar pattern, that setting is just as important as placement for dialing the sound your looking for....
My preference is A-C-B-D (like many I guess...)
D is really far behind every other clips... maybe you switch somekind of eq on it... I dunno...

COuld you post a link with the answers, so people who wants the answer can follow the link, while others can still do the test, and then follow the link.

Thx and you did a great job!
tenkas said:
COuld you post a link with the answers, so people who wants the answer can follow the link, while others can still do the test, and then follow the link.

The answers were already posted long time ago (above)? Or you mean that post should be edited so that you would have to follow a link to see the answers?

-- Per.
baekgaard said:
The answers were already posted long time ago (above)? Or you mean that post should be edited so that you would have to follow a link to see the answers?

-- Per.

Yes, it was just a suggestion, for other contests like this, a link is better... but hey I still love this thread, thx for the effort! I will probably try to do something like this comparing my behringer preamps and DMP3, and comparing my kurzweil rumour converters and the delta1010LT converters... Keep your ears open guys!
imagineaudio said:
I don't think it's fair to compare mic's like that, especially LDC's with a cheap pre like the eureka.....I suspect if a better pre was used (API, NEVE, Sebatron, john hardy, etc) the differences would be much more obvious and I think the K2 would have faired better in this test. Also the K2 has a continuously variable polar pattern, that setting is just as important as placement for dialing the sound your looking for....

thats a very good point. And I also suspect there might be a little differant outcome. So I guess another lessoned learned here kids, is that if you have a cheap pre, dont go overboard on your mic, cause it might not make a differance. But I also want to say , if the world class pres your talking about "where" used.. The improvement will be across the board. So if it brings out the "real" sound of the K2, it will also improve the sound of the cheaper mics as well.

I tell you what , I am currently building a "john hardy" clone from the kit I bought at Seventh circle audio. Now this is definatly a world class pre cause it is pretty much Dean Jensens twin servo design. So when that is finally done I will do the same shootout again, and see what sounds differant?
It should be fun.
tenkas said:
My preference is A-C-B-D (like many I guess...)
D is really far behind every other clips... maybe you switch somekind of eq on it... I dunno

well at first I was disapointed , but then I realized that what Rode did with this K2 thing is made it flat. And I dont think its such a bad thing. This mic has the great advantage of being a great all around recording tool. That same eq boost that most other mics have now , could be like an effect you can never turn off. But fortunatly for me , I like the effect on "my" voice. The K2 is very detailed, and transparent. That clip you hear is really how my voice sounds. My voice really isnt that great. So the K2 is just telling me the truth, the ugly ugly truth.

with that being said , I still dont like it. Tell me lies!! I need sweet sweet lies!!