Post YOUR favourite song!

What happened to Fat fleet's links?
The work on display in this thread makes the point about why the forum exists.
sgia, that cover is awesome man. Voice fits it well and the guitar playing sounds great. Listened to it a couple time this morning, really good stuff man!
My favourite song I wrote is Snapshots. It took as long to write as it takes me to sing really wrote itself. Still need to do a good recording of it. Only ever did a live demo with flubbed lyrics. One for the future.....and yes, that is me, full of flu! :thumbs up:

Just love it. Awesome song, great lyrics.
I don't know if I like any one song more than any others. Getting them finished marks the main achievement for me and there's always a moment part way through a tune where I lose all faith and become convinced that I'm never going to make it work.

Two that I'd pick for this thread. Firstly a cover of Run This Town by Kanye West/Jay-z/Rihanna because it was the first song I ever posted online and let anyone else hear. I think I picked a cover because I was terrified of anyone hearing me and so a tongue in cheek cover version reduced the number of things that people could rip into me for. To this day it still gets more clicks than anything else on my soundcloud page and makes me laugh whenever I see that they're from Indonesia and Saudi Arabia etc. I would imagine that my lo-fi synthy indie cover is the last thing that they're interested in hearing:

The other's probably the Oddest Sea which took an age at the time. When I listen back now, all I can hear are the problems. The whole mix needs re-visiting - vocals/bass/drums retracking as a minimum, but I think it's probably the strongest song I've written. One day I'll get it up to scratch:

Love the idea of this thread.

My favorite song that I've done is below. It's my favorite because it came out at a time when I finally got comfortable with my singing voice. I had a tendency to hide my vocals before this, and even though my voice ain't the best I just got excited when this was recorded. Also, I'm downright awful at telling stories, but I think this song came out as a decent one.

Favourite is probably this one - relatively recent, so I'm sure you've probably all heard it before...

Gravity (Like A Spaceman)

in terms of my non-singing instrumental stuff, I was always fond of this little fella, although I'm not 100% on the guitar tones... too late now.

and the bear is cute, just like he says...

This one is my favorite because of how difficult it was to make it. The mixing and mastering of it was incredibly hard. So was the composition. It almost didn't get finished. It is definitely my favorite track now. I really like the basswork and the swirling guitar effects.
Favourite is probably this one - relatively recent, so I'm sure you've probably all heard it before...

Gravity (Like A Spaceman)

in terms of my non-singing instrumental stuff, I was always fond of this little fella, although I'm not 100% on the guitar tones... too late now.

and the bear is cute, just like he says...

That was a really awesome tune and a great/funny/sweet idea for a video!

This one is my favorite because of how difficult it was to make it. The mixing and mastering of it was incredibly hard. So was the composition. It almost didn't get finished. It is definitely my favorite track now. I really like the basswork and the swirling guitar effects.

Yeh, this is one of my favourites of yours too. It's a brilliant song, mixing wise but I really like the feel and mood of it too. That's not just present in this tune, I find all your stuff really interesting and cool. Like the video too. Great job man. :)
I have two favorite mixes so far. One is of a song I wrote, Run To You. The reason I like it, I just think it's a really cool song, one of the better songs that I have produced. I am not too sure what to think of my vocals cause I really hate the sound of my own voice but I am learning to get over it ;-)

The second is a cover of a song. Currently has only my voice in it, but is intended to be recorded in September with the rest of our Church Youth Worship Team. What I like about this is the mix and the melodic harmonies - again, not a fan of my voice for the lead vocals..sigh.

Magnawolf, you have a great song - real dreamy quality about it. I can understand how it would have taken you a long time to master and mix - but the end result really is fantastic! Great work.
rob - I love the oddest sea, but you probably already know that. I don't remember that cover though. Not sure I ever played it, even though I've been to your page tons of times. I probably just saw "R&B" and got scared away, but this is really cool (don't know the original).

Armistice - I remember that tune. I think that was a great idea for a video and it works well as a backdrop for that song. Nice work!

Magnawolf - Tremendous work there. I don't remember this tune specifically, but it is indicative of what I like about your sounds and recordings - well done!

I still have others in this thread to check out, but nice tracks so far...
Really like this, like the effect on your vocals, or just the vocals in general - I think they're recorded and mixed really nicely. :)

rob - I love the oddest sea, but you probably already know that. I don't remember that cover though. Not sure I ever played it, even though I've been to your page tons of times. I probably just saw "R&B" and got scared away, but this is really cool (don't know the original).

Thanks a lot both of you, as I say the rhythm section as a minimum needs re-doing. It's hard to go back to songs from a while back though, especially when you're struggling to make the time to work on new stuff. Neither are the best I've done mixwise, but I'm happy with the songs themselves.

You should have a listen to the original Run This Town Pete, if only to appreciate just how disappointed some of the people who stumble upon my cover must be... ;)
Magnawolf - that song's terrific. Everything flows so nicely and doesn't sound in the least bit laboured, but I can see why it was a tough one to complete. Think this is the first I've heard from you, I'll listen out for some more.

Armistice - I remember your Gravity one too. Cool lyrics, though I think your Tears & Mascara song might be my favourite of yours. That one had so many layers.

Plenty more on here still to listen to later.
That was a really awesome tune and a great/funny/sweet idea for a video!

Thanks frits - ironically, I've just done another Rog the Bear video for a work short film competition. Same concept. Different music. I work at a largish financial services company, staff of about 4000, and they were having this competition, along work lines of course. We'd recently restructured and so I sent out an email saying, in a team bonding sort of way, have cameras, editing software, audio recording etc. if anyone wants to do a video. A few people got slightly interested and we got together and I thought "this ain't gonna work" so I went home and made another Rog video just as a fall back position. He's pimping superannuation...

As it turned out, the team got together and I edited together a reasonable video for them mashing up the Carling Black Label squirrel footage and a few other things, and I submitted that one and slipped Rog's video in anyway, just for the hell of it. There were 31 submissions in total.

Got the email yesterday - Rog the Bear is a finalist, the team's squirrel video didn't make the cut, and I'm invited to a gala red carpet evening in a couple of week's time to announce the "People's Choice" and official winners... For getting this far I've won $200. And if Rog wins a major prize, it's another $1000. If he wins both, $2000. Probably I won't win either, but...

The irony being that after all these years of never making a brass razoo out of music, apart from when I was doing covers, I'm now raking it in (well, relatively...) for videos, which feature my music which no-one will actually be listening to..... I haven't told anyone running the comp it's not Rog's first video, and that he's a seasoned professional...:laughings:

I wonder if we'll win... :D