Post hardcore mix – feedback much appreciated


New member
Hi guys, thought I would share my latest mix/song. The bands me and my band are inspired by, both music and production wise are:
Red, of Mice and Men, memphis may fire, i see stars, Breaking benjamin etc..
Would like to hear what you guys think about the mix mostly, but also the song.
Been investing in some new studio equipment, studio monitors and upgraded my computer hardware so i've been trying to improve my mixing skills.

For the drums I use superior drummer, blend the kick and the snare with an andy sneap sample and a free snare i found online.
Some Eq, multiband compression, stillwell- bombadier, parallel comp.

For the bass i use zombass4, some distortion, ClA bass plugin, some eq, multiband compression, parallell comp and also side-chain the kick to the bass.

Guitars are pod farm 2. Doubled left and right 100%. parallell compression, EQ and stereo enhancer etc.

Strings are ewsql, plugins i use- Ozone 5, eq and parallell compression.

The vocals.. is me singing, I cannot sing so the vocals are processed a lot. Do you think it is ok or should I postpone releasing this and trying to find a real singer or hire one to help us out?

Hope you like the new tune, cheers!
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I really liked the song , I do think real drums would be sweet but hey Im a drummer. I would like to hear the vocal without all the tricks to be able judge if you need a "real singer" or not . As is it sounds good to me.
I know the feeling well of trying to sing but just don't think I have the cords and control to do it properly....however, I think your singing and the effects you put on your voice match this type of song and personally I think they sound pretty good. I remember seeing Axl Rose sing at a GnR concert back in the day and I was shocked at how bad he sounded live. But the album they recorded sounded great. To me, if you don't have the resources for a great singer, then you have to make due with what you got and do what it takes to make it sound good. Great job.
I really love this! The production is killer! The vocals sound really great on their own and add so much to the song. The guitar work is performed really well. The synth is well applied and is really nice to hear. The drums sound great. I use Addictive Drums myself but I've toyed around with Superior Drummer in the past. There were some spots in the chorus where the drums get lost in the mix. And overall, the mix is pretty bright. Personally, I would tone down the brightness a bit to let a little more warm mids through. The master is good. I like the amount of compression for this song. Great work! Very enjoyable indeed!
Everything sounds excellent here. Perhaps a little bit bright for my personal tastes, but it sounds great nonetheless.

As for the question on the singer, I have a couple thoughts. First, it sounds good to me. Processed, yes, but there is nothing wrong with that when it suits the music and here I think it does. How are you planning on releasing this though? Your bigger plans for this song and what a release means kind of determine what you should do. If your band is planning on playing this song live, and you have released an album in an official way, I think you want to have settled on who your singer is, whether it be you or someone else.

Personally, based on what I am hearing here, I suspect that you are underestimating yourself and with some practice to get your chops up and with some confidence, you could easily front this band. I think you are better that what you seem to think you are.
Thanks for the feedback everyone, glad you like it! And yeah.. well i guess I am very satisfied with this song and the other material we got atm. So might be worth waiting until we get a good sounding singer, but guess We can use this material to find one.
Here's an updated mix, been trying out some different plugings for the guitar and tweaking the other instrumetnts as well.. no vocals on this one though, and its not my song, just downloaded stems for an Erra song. Think I got a much better sounding distorted guitar tone now, fuller and more mids. This is the emissary amp from ignite amps together with some great impulses i found, hope you like test3.wav