Porta One VU meters / Record


New member
Following previous post on my unit not recording have fixed the problem and the unit now records and plays back on all channels fine.

One quirk of the unit is that the lights on the VU Meters on channels 3 & 4 and the actual VU meters themselves switch off when any of the Bus switches are switched from 'Safe' position (to record) and a tape is loaded.

The electronics seem to be set up for this yet only on the channels 3 & 4.

Is this the case on the Portaone, it maybe for a good reason but I have no manual an it seems really strange ???
The Porta One can only record 2 tracks at a time, so there's no need to see more that 2 VU's working.
It does denote the design factor,...

that when not on SAFE, you're in Record-ready, or recording mode, and you're inherently in L/R Buss mode. You only need the left two meters, 1 & 2, to monitor the signal on the L/R buss, the "main mix".

In other words, it's normal. Just like the gentleman above said.