Popping/Buzzing When Recording Guitar Through Audiogram6 Interface in Logic Pro


New member
Hi there,

Long time reader, first time post

I have recently bought an Imac G5 and am running Logic Pro 9. I am trying to record my acoustic electric guitar through my Yamaha Audiogram6 USB Interface. As soon as I plug the guitar in Via a 1/4" and XLR into the interface through the mic/instrument port, it gives off this popping feedback sound. The strange thing is, I can record my MXL condensor microphone through the same port with no popping or feedback problems at all (obviously it has phantom power though).

I have already tried to eliminate any external devices (such as turning the monitors off, moving the guitar further away from the computer/mixing desk but still get the same popping)

Even if I have the compression and gain on the interface set to 0, as soon as I turn the level 1 up and the master up, the popping occurs. I dont think it is a grounding issue as I have tried to move the guitar and interface on different surfaces and even when I touch the base of the XLR chord it makes no difference. The popping sound is generally consistent and sounds like a heart beat (boom boom)

I dont think its a Logic problem because the same popping happens when trying to record in Cubase. I think it must be either the interface, pickup on the acoustic electric or the XLR chord (even though it was sold as balanced) I AM STUCK!

I am frustrated and need help! Please give me some suggestions...

Cheers Lochie