"Poppin' Tight"


Well-known member

Popping tight: I played rock and pop and funk tunes in cover bands for several years, and developed a love for certain style of funk. This is my inner Stevie and Prince coming out. heheh

from the new album,
you can get it here:

cool thing about this tune,
all the guitar parts and bass parts were done using a strymon Iridium.
no amps.


drums are superior drummer 3.
Killer track ! The tones were spot on , I especially liked the bass tone and attack. I don't play a lot of electric but I'm sure going to take a close look at the Iridium. Another great song .. mark
Killer track ! The tones were spot on , I especially liked the bass tone and attack. I don't play a lot of electric but I'm sure going to take a close look at the Iridium. Another great song .. mark
thanks so much mark...
bass tones, i had some gain on the marshall superlead amp model, and then blended that with the lows from a parallal signal from a Sansamp Bass DI. that's a good bass sound!!!
can i remember how i set it up?