Pop screen distance


New member
For vocals how far should the pop screen be away from the mic, and how far should you be away from the pop screen?

I'm using an SP B1
There is no rule. Usually with a condensor you sing anywhere from 2 inches to 2 feet away so the pop screen would obviously be somewhere in between.

Just play around and find a distance that works for the track. Then stick the pop screen there so you have a distance reference to keep the takes consistent and don't get any closer than that.
Try it and see what works. My guess is if you are screaming you will be around 6-12". Be careful because the farther back you go the more room sound the mic will pickup. If your room sound is bad than that will work against you.
Ok I'll use that as a starting point. I don't think I'll have to worry much about room sound, we'll be using a closet. Thanks again.
well what he means by room sound is that you'll here the reflections of the sound travelling around the room more in relation to the sounds traveling toward the mic. So if you have the mic on one side of the closet adn the singer on the other, it will sound like he's signing in a closet. If he's right up against the mic the sound you record will be mostly his actually voice. You have to find a good balance of room and direct sound.
So the best advice then...

...would seem to be get as close in as you can without causing distortion? That way you get 99% the sound of the voice not the room, rather than picking up 60% voice 40% room, etc?

I'm no expert, but infer this from what you've said?

Unless of course, you actualy WANT to get the room sound recorded along with the voice?

I use a Sure sm58 to recrod so I have little choice I have to put the screen about 2 inches away from the mic and then sing right up to the screen!
I personally would want some of the room sound. I usually put it about 6" from the mic and sing about 6" from that or so. But each mic has a different sweet spot as well as each recording situation requires a different distance. For some spoken word parts I'll be right on top the mic, and for some backing vocals I'll drop the mic two or three feet away. All depends.