Pop and clicks problem..in nuendo


New member
I have recorded 3 audio track in nuendo 4. And give them effects, but when i play that track i found pop and clicks(disturbing sound) between two track contact......in time line....i have increase the buffer sample in asio but not success...i m using simple mic & leaptop with 3 gb ram....plz help me
hehe... innuendo.

This is probably an indication that either your interface/soundcard or computer can't process quick enough
Since Op mention "two track contact......in time line"
A matter of fading the ins and outs where the clips meet.
Since Op mention "two track contact......in time line"
A matter of fading the ins and outs where the clips meet.

This is the correct answer to the problem.

Select both clips, make sure they overlap, and hit x. Then set the cross fade to 5-10ms.