Pop/Alt Christian tune, need help.


New member
Howdy folks. Im working on this mix for a friend and I think I need a fresh pair of ears. I wont go into what I think yet. Anybody with a good pair of monitors please give it a listen. By the way, this is a praise and worship tune, so if that disturbs you, better skip it.



Vocals seem to be interfering with the acoustic rhythm guitar. Or is it the bass? I am using cheap work headphones. But the rhythm guitar, bass, and vocals all seem to be on the same band. Could be the sound of the pick coming thru. In other words, I find myself struggling to listen to vocals constantly 'coz they seem cluttered.

Vocals could be brought up a little at least in the chorus parts. Vocals are doubled from what I hear but the higher vocals could be brought up a little more.

Drums could be just a tad louder. Or maybe just the snare could be made a little thinner.

Having said all that, I'm not a mixing expert. I would take this with a pinch of salt and wait for others to chime in shortly. Also some of these suggestions are just probably because of my taste in music. :)

Good execution on the music playing. I like the guitar(s). And the overall sound of the song. I would definitely listen to this song again. If it was on one of the radio stations that I listen to in the car, I would definitely turn it up. :)

Forgot to say: I really like the intro and the outro. :)
Thanks man. Your thoughts are mine with the issues you heard. There is some low-mid problem, I just cant seem to fix. Ill keep at it.
Sounds to me like a buildup of room resonance. Were all the miked parts tracked in the same room? If so, you need to figure out what that resonant frequency is, and cut that frequency a few dB on each track. Or else treat the room and retrack.

There's a nasty sibilance on the repeated phrase, "It's you O Lord".

This will be a perfectly nice recording after you take care of the small problems.

Thanks for the listen. I found the issue. It was mostly caused by my choice of verb. I cut the 250 area on the verb and now it's gone. The second acoustic mic was also pumping into this freq. Thanks again.