poor man's room-to-studio conversion


New member
got a spare room, a decent size, not too big not too small
walls all 90 degree angles nothing odd about it

i need to find the most cost-effective way to put up foam and whatnot on the walls to make it sound effective for mixing, monitoring, mastering

would like to keep it as cheap as possible, but i could go as much as 500 on foaming the walls up, maybe a little more

got the house to myself, not worried about soundbleed/neighbors

thanks for the tips, really appreciated
The room information you give is pretty vague but if you do a quick search here you should find links to articles by Ethan Winer and others that will guide you on how to treat your particular space. I think it unlikely you will be using much if any foam. With your very limited budget, you will probably be looking into DIY panels and traps with Rockwool or similar products as off-the-shelf acoustic treatment can be pricey.
More solid advice could be given if we knew more about the room (specifically, the size. Not too big or too small to you could be 10' x 13'. To me, our testing room that is 13' x 17' x 8' is too small.)

$500 is a small budget but is at least workable. I would try to get at least half a dozen thicker panels in the room. Treat your first reflections, the front corners, and behind you as much as possible, and go from there.
If you can DIY it, you'll save a lot of money. There are some good threads here to explain how to make bass traps and panels.

A new house is like a blank canvas. (I'm kind of jealous!)