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I am super major getting frusterated. I am a newbie, and in desperate need of help.

My cubase sx at times just disappears. It usually happens when I am using halion (which i still can't figure out). I own the 1.01 version. Is there any hope of fixing this problem?

Also, does anyone here know how to use halion? this program is also driving me nuts, as some samples will play, and others will not. If you have any expereince, i'd love the help.

Thanks to all in advance
The poof issue is one that is supposed to be addressed in the soon to be released v1.06. It only affects certain users at this point.

One thing you can try is an update to 1.03, the last version that seems to be very stable for everyone. 1.05(xx) has worked for some, brought up "poof" issues for others. v1.01 is not a good version to be using.

I will look into this! I will search for these updates on the steinberg's web site. If these updates are anywhere else, could ya please let me know where? Thank you so much!

still poofing. it happens when i use halion the most. is this a normal problem?? I mean, its such a cool problem, but i seriously cannot deal with it poofing every ten minutes. This is really frusterating.
Thanks for the heads up, TCG! They must have come out with it a bit early, I wasn't expecting it until the end of this month.

Flick, is it a normal problem? No.

Is it an abnormal problem? Well not exactly.

Up until SX there was no "poof"ing going on. With SX, they changed the code for the audio engine....it's more efficient and is based on Nuendo's. For most the program runs great, but there are a handful of people who experienced the "poof" problem. Thankfully, I am not one of them, but I have read many accounts on steinbergs site about it. I am not sure about the connection of the poofs and Halion. I do know that the poof issue is basically one of the biggest things that they gave priority to fixing with v1.06. Steinberg went as far as asking people who poof to send in their exact system specs and what they have loaded on the computer. They researched a common link and what in the code was reacting to it.

I hope 1.06 fixes it for you!