polyphony and controlling...


New member
hi, just found this site, seems pretty cool, please can you answer this query - i currently have a yamaha RM1x, a novation superbass station and yamaha SU700. i use the RM to control the bass station and to send MTC to the SU700. if i were to get another synth or module and control it with the RM, would this eat into the polyphony of the RM? The bass station is monophonic so i can't really tell at the moment...
Ah, poly, one of my favorite topics... :)

No, the MIDI control of other devices should have absolutely nothing to do with how many sounds the soundcard (or whatever the RM1x is) can produce at one time.
most kind thankyou, now i look at the midi set up on my RM1x(which is a yamaha hardware sequencer with on-board sounds and effects in case you were wondering), i can see that logically the polyphony thing is cool...perhaps you could assist with another query that i have. as well as the RM, i have a Yamaha SU700 sampler and a novation superbass station going into my mixer. i want to be able to connect a midi keyboard so that i can play the sounds inside the RM and also the bass-station. the RM only has midi in and out. i currently send midi to the bass station from the rm, back to the RM from the bass station so that i can record stuff, and thru the bass station to the sampler. (the sampler has an internal sequencer so it only needs to recieve MTC).
so up to now, i haven't really had to deal too much with midi - however, now i can't quite work out how i could fit a midi keyboard into the set up...