Poll About Cracked Software

Have you ever used pirated software even once by accident?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 58.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 39.1%
  • Ban Me

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
Please dont ban me.
I have tried out a few cracked software's just to see what is in them.

Cracked ones usually are limited one way or another.
For example, you cant use score editor or VST's, or drum editor on cracked Cubase. And thats no good!

Another thing is that you dont know nothing about the person who made the crack.
By installing the crack you are basically saying "YES" to everything that the pirate wants.

I want to enjoy my soft fully so I pay that little extra.
Yeah, I did the whole "Get ALL of the waves!" thing. Then, one day, I realized that my best mixes happened to be done entirely using Cubase built in, and freeware plugins. And just like that, I realized that good mixes weren't down to having the best plugins and that I could acheive auditory greatness without being required to buy into this expensive game that I could never hope to afford. And now I'm back to using built in and freeware. IT FEELS GOOD TO BE DOING HONEST WORK :p
As for any licensing and use of hardware protection of software, quite understandable, though i find it very annoying that software sellers regularly seem to find it "normal" to end updating and stop selling their stuff without even fixing bugs and leaving their loyal buying customers hanging out to dry. Without offering them a compensation even. Examples?: Steinberg's Masterscore, from Atari days, with dongle & license around 600 U$D, and it never worked without frequent crashing. More?: Emagic Sounddiver for Windows, price some 400 U$D, was all of a sudden dumped. Logic for Windows? You're lucky if you never bought that. I threw away an Emagic Unitor 8, great piece of Midi/SMPTE hardware, but no new drivers for 64bit Windows 7 were developed alas. Bet there are many more examples around, and some licensees must be really frustrated and feeling ripped off when they hear how much money was involved selling f.i. Sterinberg to Yamaha. At their expenses ... ? - Licensing is OK if the software is not copy-protected for it's legit owner, a big hurray here for PG Music as example, but the use of dongles not only complicates matters, but also your legit software might be running slightly slower because of all the exchange of information with the dongle. It was that way very clearly in Atari days with Steinbergs VST and Cubase. Copy protection is only hurting licensees, not the ones using illegal versions.-F
Now I'm ok, money wise, all my software is legit - BUT - when I was poorer, I wanted to evaluate the expensive software to decide if it was for me. I tried a few dodgy cracked copies, and they crashed, one infected my PC with a virus and installing add-ons like plug ins or VST instrument rarely worked. Once I decided the things I wanted to use, to make money for me, then I scrapped the pirate versions, installed the genuine and had a much better experience, reliability wise.

Back in the days of Cubase with the blue and green dongles, I did run a dodgy copy on my second PC, simply because unscrewing the dongle when I wished to use it in the other room was impossible - so I ran the paid for one on the studio machine, and the dodgy one on the computer in the other studio. Once we moved to USB dongles, it was fine - I just installed a USB socket on the front panel, so swapping them was easy!

I don't approve of pirate software - but sometimes I do understand it!
I had some cracked software once, but they replaced the CD for free! :laughings:
I've never personally been on crack while using software. :)
I bought Sound Forge and CD Architect, but my licenses from Sony have disappeared and the ones I had written down don't work. I guess they're not cracked, but broken. :(
Guess next time I want them I'll have to buy SF & CDA again. May not happen.
With all of the free VST's and demos of the big 5 DAWS, there is really no reason to download a cracked version of anything. Those who do are likely just following a trend and mindset that it is the plugs or software that makes a good mix. Reaper is a measly $60 to find out how to use a 'real' DAW. Cubase and others are only $100 to $800 depending on the level one is at. If anyone has any amount of seriousness about their music or recording of it, then this is a trivial cost.

Yes many expensive plugs do things the cheap ones don't, but it is nothing near what experience with recording techniques, performance, quality of instrument, room recorded in, mics, preamps. To steal a cracked version of one, you are admitting that you have no clue as to what you are doing.

IMO the ones who use cracked software shouldn't waste their time recording. Anyone willing to take chances of ruining their computer with viruses and committing a crime just to mess around with recording, is likely the same guy who does not give a shit about anything other than their own ego and would have no problem taking money from granny's purse.

This is only my opinion, but I find it just amazing how kids these days just don't give a shit as to how much work and time it takes to create a program that makes it possible to record. It shows in the poor quality of 90% of the Youtube videos posted out there. Not even going to mention how much talent and time it takes to actually create something worth recording. Oh shit, I did just mention that. :eek:

Don't do crack and don't download crack. I'm done...

The key to getting nice plugins is waiting for sales and REALLY looking for them.

Some things I have gotten on sale:

Fxpansion Etc: Paid $30, regular $100
Komplete 9: Paid $650, regular $1000
Waves CLA comps: Paid $112 regular $500
Vocal rider: Paid $50 regular $300
Bass rider: Paid $40 regular $200
SIR2: Paid $100 regular $189
Arturia minimoog V: FREE (legal) regular $100
Superior drummer 2, EZ drummer and all of my EZX/SDX were bought on sale. ALL OF THEM

Of course then there are your cheap plugins that are fucking great as well.

Really no reason to crack.
I say there's no reason to crack, and I also believe there's no reason to buy.

I've never spent a penny on a plug-in. There are so many good free ones available, that I don't see a reason to spend a penny on anything. If my mixes lack anything, the fault is not in my free plugs.
No, but I wouldn't hesitate if the companies from whom I have purchased products from go tits up without giving a code to essentially make it unprotected. The guy from Spectrasonics says that his company will do that if worse comes to worst, but until now, nope.
What's the point of this thread?
We can't even admit to pirating anything if we did so all we have is a bunch of people talking about using Reaper and others saying that there are enough free plug-ins, just like on every other website where admitting to piracy gets you banned...

A lot of people who are eager to get into recording big time crack Pro Tools or other programs to learn or test them before buying them to use commercially. Cracking a program is easier and smoother than using the company's demos most of the time since they are more efficiently compressed, download quicker and don't require registration. It's the same reason that pirated video games are often superior to the commercial versions.

It happens and I think it's something that shouldn't just be censored and swept under the carpet. According to this poll, pirates are in the majority. Maybe we should accept that no digital scene nowadays lives without piracy, whether it be games, movies, MP3s or DAWs.