Polished up, ready for a listen


New member
I'm still new at this mixing stuff, but I've done much more polishing on the song now and would love it if someone gave it a listen.

Country/folk song from a singer/songwriter named Amy Jacobs, who is in the unfortunate state of not being able to afford a better recording studio then mine :)

She's new to singing in a mic, etc, I'm relatively new to the whole recording thing (most of my stuff has been live or just for fun stuff, this is my first set of real, sit down in the studio and record stuff)

Anyways, enough "I probably suck" preamble, scoot your browser on over to http://www.oldgrover.org/ and take a listen.

(If www.oldgrover.org doesn't work for you, try oldgrover.finesthost.com until the DNS finishes propagating - the site is brand new!)

There is now 96kbps and 128kbps sample rate - if someone wants something higher or lower, let me know and I'll be happy to post it.

Feel free to be brutally honest........
And one advantage of your own server (or at least, your own hosted website) is that you can watch people download your stuff... ok, guys, I see a coupla downloads, let's here some comments :D
I d/l the 96 version. The guitar could be louder, or the vocals quieter. The vocals... hmmm, well you wanted brutal honesty. To me, they really grind on my nerves, that weird vocal inflection thing... I think she should re-sing it with more control and less of the gymnastics which I don't think she's capable of at this point. I'd could hear this sounding better with retracked vocals and maybe another guitar with some more panning. As the vocals stand now, they could use some compression or computer edit/gain adjust or both, some autotune and any other effect that might help. :)

But, no offense to the singer - someone out there probably likes that singing style.
I get about 50/50 - "I like the singing" or "the singing grates". More guitar? That makes sense to me. When you say more panning, you mean two different guitar parts split left, right sorta thing?

Thanks for the comment - I am hunting brutal honesty :) ... I think she should settle down a bit too. Anyone else?