Pod sample--advise?


New member

I am trying to get a decent sound to record with. Could you comment on eq and overall sound? I'm looking for a Dream theater type sound.
This is from the pod direct to wavelab where the lows were rolled off and sound compressed. Also a little magnetto.
I play a bunch of different chords and single note hits to let you examine the sound better

ps I dont know why the link wont pop up--help
for now ---save target as
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It's pretty hard to say without hearing it in a mix. It sounds pretty good though. Its maybe a tad dull but that may help it fit with the vocals. That's why its important to hear it in the right context.

It will probably sound pretty cool doubled.
Very good...

That is great sounding...one thing that will help your sound in a final recording is, you should record 3 rythym tracks. you should try to mic 2 tracks, and pan them, one left, and one right, and use the POD direct recording for center....that will give it a lot better tone. If you cannot mic, you should consider recording 2 direct pod tracks, panning both, one left, one right. You don't want to record a solo twice, of course, so keep the solo & the complicated leads that might not be reproduced so easily centered...but your sound is actually excellent...