POD + Pre-amp to br8...Does this work?


New member
I just bought the very tasty joe meek vc1q and was wondering (a)would this make the pod sound more realistic and (b)how do i arrange the set-up ie whats the correct order.
I have the Bass Pod and it's output is line-level, check your Pod owners manual to see what the output is first.

I think the best way might be to plug your guitar into the Pod and then go into the line inputs-1/4" on the VC1Q.

or.......I think the VC1Q has an instrument input on the front, correct ? You can plug a guitar straight into that and then go out of the Meek into the Pod. That would allow you to have the compression come before the distortion stage of your Pod. Check to see what kind of signal you're Pod's input can take before you try that.

I hate impedance matching problems like that, they can get complicated. Read your manuals...the answers are in there usually. You can also e-mail Line 6 and they can answer things. They are very knowledgable about how to best use the Pod. One tip I learned from using my Bass Pod and Sansamp PSA-1 going into a preamp ; you will get the best signal-to-noise ratio performance if you turn the output level control on the Pod to maximum, or close to it.

How do you like the Meek ? I've heard great things about the compression.

Good luck BSMR
Thanks Dude! I've tried it and i think it is working but dont know if im doing it optimally...sounds good though...better than pod alone oh yeah and i went meek>>pod>>br8. But to answer your question the joe meek is excelllent!!!!!!!you cant hear me or you would know how excellent. If you are doing vocals too.......wow!!!!Talk about pro sound for amatuer $. If you want to ask any specifics about the meek ill be glad to reply(if you are interested in purchasing it)