plz Help with a Midi problem. thanks


New member
i'm using an m-audio radium 61 controller...its worked fine for over a year, but now its acting up. after playing vst's with it in cubase for maybe 5-6mins. it completely cuts out and can't be played anymore...meanwhile, my cheap casio keyboard has no problem? any suggestions? thanks
More info, please.

-what method are you using to connect the Radium to the computer?

-what are the specs of your machine?

-Are the VSTi's you're using demo versions with a time-out handicap?

-You're probably hooking up the Casio thru your midi in - does the Radium work that way too?
thanks for the info ended up being the latter comment...the radium was hooked up through usb (i guess something happened to the cable, becuase after switching the midi cable in the casio to the radium it works! :D yey!