plummet midi mixes

Listening to "Critical mass" right now.

I like the tune, but am getting chased away by the more than occasional digital clip. Like chalk squealing on a chalkboard.
I'm not being snotty when I ask if this was intentional. Either way I'm not a fan of that percussion patch if you know what I mean.

In the digital realm, when reduced to a 128 Kbps .mp3 file you won't notice the difference between 0 and -0.1 dB.
So there's no need to push it.

"Human Again" : I've only heard that clip once so far.

"Insufficient" : I do like the bass drum patch.

"Sin City Overture": Funereal, no doubt.

"Ava's Theme" : What's that weird rainy noise/thunder sound in the background? Doesn't sound natural enough to work. More like a bad cassette machine than a rainstorm. The weird chord 'misses' didn't bother me as much as the piano patch itself. But then that's just me.