Plugging in Direct vs. Micing an Amp


New member
For years i've been recording on a Tascam 2488neo. Up until now i've been plugging my guits directly into it with no issues. But now since the addition of my Ibanez RGA8 i've been forced to start micing my amp. Never had a problem plugging in my old RG7, but its impossible to monitor the 8 or its just that my "Box" can't handle it direct. ...?

Guess the question is... has anyone else had any experiences like this? or similar situation? Micing my amp has pretty much put a halt on my recording. It was so much easier plugging directly in, micing does sound way better tho... i hate added variables. Set it and Forget it i say.

Thoughts or feedback?
i hate added variables. Set it and Forget it i say.

They sell cookie cutters in the kitchen appliance section of Sears.... ;)

Man...variables are what make recording fun and each song/session a little different from the last one! :cool:

I always use amps/mics for guitars...and often it's a different amp(s) per song. How the heck do you get any decent guitar sound plugging right into the TASCAM 2488neo???
Do you use some kind of sim/pod or amp/cab emulator box...or just guitar ---> TASCAM 2488neo...??? :eek:
I'm with Miroslav, what have you got between the guitar and the recorder, a DI box at least?

Going direct with bass is one thing, but with electric guitars I say mic the cab hands down. You don't need to crank a big amp through a big cab to get good recorded tones (often the opposite)...stick an SM57 somewhere nice on the cone and twiddle knobs til you get the goods without upsetting the neighbors. Once you find the settings and mic placement you like, stick a piece of tape on the grille to note the sweet spot and write down the settings, then you can recall your setup, and if you can, just leave it mic'd up to preserve your workflow.
In the beginning before the neo i was using a tascam DP-01 and had a behringer mixing board between the guit and box... If you are really interested in hearing what it did sound like checkout my site on Reverbnation under Ellipses Surround. But you guys are right. I'm still getting used to this new system of recording (amp/mic) . Right now i'm going thru Digitech and Boss pedals to a Fender 12 then a 55sh mic. It does sound SO much better. lol I was just so used to plugging out songs (over 70 something recordings ) I always had some weird thing about options. I like to get it done with the least amount of "middle men" (this dial this way, that knob the other way.) Do something simply, complex.

Thanks for the feedback. First time Post. First time forum. Good experience.