Plug-in formats...


New member
I've never really paid much mind, but I just don't understand all the different formats of plug-ins available today. It's bad enough that consumers have to be pitted in the Mac Vs Windows debacle when choosing audio tools, now there are numerous plug-in protocols.

The one's I've found for Mac are:
Audio Units

The only two I've found for PC are:
Direct X

It seems really odd especially when you compare the price differences between a manufacturers pricing between a Pro-Tools plug-in and a native Plug-in.

I guess my real question is what is the definition of these different plug-in formats and why are there so many?
There is conciderable cross-platform operability here. VST works with Mac, and RTAS and TDM also work with PC. You have to get OS specific version, but they are out there.

That said, there are more RTAS and TDM plugs for Mac than PC. I'm not sure about HTDM, I've never heard of it.

The different plug formats are for different recording platforms.

VST: designed by Steinberg (Cubase, Wavelab, Nuendo) and adopted by many other software developers. Probably the most cross-platform format. Quality and price varies, but there are lots of free ones around.

DirectX: Windows only, but fairly well supported by most Windows recording programs. Like VST, they tend to be fairly inexpensive and quality varies. Many free ones availible.

RTAS: Host-based plugs for Pro-Tools systems. I don't think they work with any other programs. Maybe with logic or Digital Performer, but I'm not familiar with those programs. Many of them are both Mac and PC, but they tend to come out for Mac first and sometimes not at all for PC. Expen$ive! But generally high quality.

TDM: Hardware based plugs for Pro-Tools systems. Needs dedicated hardware to work, but takes the processing load off the computer. Again many are Mac only. Very expe$ive!

That's about all I know.

Take care,