Please review 'Ulcer'


Active member
Ordinarily I record & mix my own stuff. This time, however, I decided to go to another studio and have someone else produce the band.

I am interested in what you guys think about this track. I, of course, have formulated my own opinion about it...but am always interested in hearing an outsiders thoughts.

Let me just say we didn't pay much for studio time.


"Ulcer" - Collapsed
The mix has no depth to it. It sounds all compressed together, and it's as if I only have one speaker sitting in front of me. Sounds like the vox is distorting in places too - could by 128k MP3 encoding too, who knows. The song doesn't grab me either. It might a little if it was actually a decent mix.
Need to kill the ring on the snare, needs more crispness and a lot less boxiness. Kick drum is buried and lacks definition, pop and meat. Vocal performance has too much *YARLING* in it, and it lacks conviction--plus it's too dry. Cymbals and high hat sound a bit too untamed. Bass guitar doesn't really seem to define the low end much. Guitars are a bit 'humpy' sounding on the upper mids.

You said you didn't spend much on the recording, and it shows.
I assume that you are trying to convine your fellow bandmates that you need to spend more time/money on recording, or that the person that recorded you wasn't up to your standards?

Just curious.
Yes, a little bit of both...

Most importantly, I was concerned with the guy who recorded us. Nice as hell but unfortunately, that doesn't translate well on the track itself.
It wasn't *terrible* but there were some deficiencies. I think you guys got a decent track, but the mix was halfass. Find someone else to remix it maybe, and perhaps recut a few things like vocals to get them really in there. That's what I'd recommend.