please review our latest song

Nice tune.......sounds a bit thin but that might just be the mp3 thing.....Oh! BTW....might want to lock down that duplicate thread. Cool stuff....good work!!
jpw23 said:
Nice tune.......sounds a bit thin but that might just be the mp3 thing.....Oh! BTW....might want to lock down that duplicate thread. Cool stuff....good work!!
I see where you get the "thinness" it's lacking a bit of bottom end - but - the highs are pretty nice. Just up the bottom/mids to fill it in.
Nice tune - excellent songwriting, love the harmonies.....The guitar tone is a bit buzzy in spots - not bad, it's just not my favorite tone.
Would love to hear this with a live drummer. Once you're remixed let us know when the album comes out...

:) :D :) :D
What they said but I'm not worried about the drums except that they're a bit loud.
The vocals sound like they've been filtered through a "radio" EQ. They do need some re EQ'ing.
Excellent tune yet again gents.
For a moment I thought the guitar interplay was going to slide into Big Country faux b/pipes territory but happily you stayed away from that & just left it as nice intertwining.
The bass solo needs some dynamic applied to it whether it be vol, top end, fuzz - but something.
Actually I'm warming to the vocal sound.
Harmonies are ace too.
Cool song...agree with the previous post that the overall sound is a bit flat and 2 dimensional.....I also think real drums would make this sound much better.
Really like the vocals...nice harmonies.
Nice tune. :)

This is a cruising tune. Where you find some back country road, take the top off the car and just cuirse into the sunset. :)

The drums sound ok to me 'coz I'd been working only with drum machines. :) I'd maybe lower the volume slightly. The mix did sound thin. May a little more panning and adding some bottom end.

At time I think there's a hidden bass in there. And at time, I can't find it. Is there a bass there?

Pretty good tune.
Likes that. Nice vocals, doubled? The guitar is abit thin, almos like a violin at times. :D

good mellow tune.
guys like to thank you all for the constructive comments and we will listen accordingly as you all cant be wrong we will be back when we have made a few adjustments and hopefully you can tell us if we have corrected certain aspects of the song.